Apps For Business

Get access to desktop apps with a worldwide standard like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more. You can create, view and edit real-time on all your devices with desktop apps and mobile apps, whether it’s Windows PC, iOS, Android or Mac.


Updates every month

Get the latest features with fully installed and always updated versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint for Windows or Mac, OneNote (features vary) and Access and Publisher (PC only).


1 TB secure cloud storage per user

Edit and share documents, photos and more wherever you are and on all your devices with 1TB of cloud storage in OneDrive.


Works on several different devices

Get the fully installed Office apps on multiple PCs / Macs, tablets and mobile devices (like Windows, iOS and Android).


Professional digital storytelling

With Sway, you can easily create engaging and interactive web-based reports, presentations, newsletters, educational materials and more.

Apps For Enterprise

Get access to desktop apps with a worldwide standard like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more. You can create, view and edit real-time on all your devices with desktop apps and mobile apps, whether it’s Windows PC, iOS, Android or Mac.


Updates every month

Get the latest features with fully installed and always updated versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint for Windows or Mac, OneNote (features vary) and Access and Publisher (PC only).


1 TB secure cloud storage per user

Edit and share documents, photos and more wherever you are and on all your devices with 1TB of cloud storage in OneDrive.


Works on several different devices

Get the fully installed Office apps on multiple PCs / Macs, tablets and mobile devices (like Windows, iOS and Android).


Professional digital storytelling

With Sway, you can easily create engaging and interactive web-based reports, presentations, newsletters, educational materials and more.

First class support!

At our service desk, experienced and trained technicians are ready to help you directly by phone.
We solve 93% of all cases at the first contact, while the industry standard is 80%.
We know it's a high number but it's our reality.

Contact Us!
We offer 30 minutes of free consultation!

Choose one of our offices below for further information on how you can contact us.